Porn, porn, porn: it’s been one of the App Store’s recurrent problems for years now (we don’t mean the Home screen variety, either). Apple co-founder Steve Jobs famously led his company’s fight against pornographic content, but according to one iDevice owner, that wasn’t enough.,,,,
Rather, the Tennessee man, Chris Servier, is blaming Apple for invoking and fostering his own addiction to porn, and he’s decided to sue the Cupertino, Calif. company as a result. In his 50-page complaint, he argues that since Apple is “concerned with the welfare of our Nation’s children, while furthering pro-American values,” the company should sell all iDevices in “safe mode,” with preconfigured filters which suppress pornographic content.
The Huffington Post explains the odd situation:
Per the complaint, Sevier’s problem began after he tried to visit “Facebook.com,” but — accidentally, he says — typed “F**kbook.com,” an adult site that “appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male and led to an unwanted addiction with adverse consequences.
According to Servier, iDevices should ship with anti-porn restrictions enabled, which users may then disable if they choose.
The lawsuit takes even more of a bizarre personal note, however, as Servier claims that accessing pornography on his iDevices resulted in creating “unfair competition” between porn actresses and his wife, thereby complicating his own relationship as a result.
Servier’s lawsuit details the issue:
UNFAIR COMPETITION AND INTERFERENCE OF THE MARITAL CONTRACT: The Plaintiff became totally out of synch in his romantic relationship with his wife, which was a consequence of his use of his Apple product. The Plaintiff began desiring, younger more beautiful girls featured in porn videos than his wife, who was no longer 21.
Apple has yet to respond to the filing.
We’ll let you know if this interesting story develops further.
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