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Monday 19 November 2012

Clearly, New To-Do App Time Matrix Is A Clear Ripoff

Clearly, New To-Do App Time Matrix Is A Clear Ripoff

It seems like only yesterday when I last told you about an app in the App Store that shouldn’t have ended up there in the first place. (It’s actually just a couple of days ago.) But now, I’m about to warn you of another one. It’s called Time Matrix.
To be sure, Time Matrix isn’t as blatant a scam as the previously “featured” app, Temple Rush: In Danger.
Time Matrix actually works as described in its App Store release notes. But the way it does work is far too similar to another, much more popular app for it to be worthy of genuine support.
The other, much more popular app is none other than the pioneering to-do app Clear.
The thing is, Time Matrix is a to-do app that clearly rips off Clear’s gesture-based interface. From “pull to create task” to color gradients, Time Matrix has Clear’s trademark interface covered. Or copied, I should say.
Time Matrix 2
Time Matrix
To its credit, Time Matrix encourages getting more urgent and important things done with its preset folders. But these folders can be easily recreated in Clear.
What it does have that Clear doesn’t are an activity log and theme customization.
If only Time Matrix incorporated these features along with its core to-do function without using Clear’s unmistakable interface, perhaps Time Matrix would end up deserving real attention.
When it launched in the App Store a couple of days ago, Time Matrix came with a rather hefty $4.99 price tag. But now it’s available for free.
You are, of course, free to download it. But if you really want to support innovation and honest work, you ought to download the all-original Clear for $1.99 instead.

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