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Sunday, 18 November 2012

Foap Makes It Easy To Cash In On Your Favorite iPhone Photos

Foap Makes It Easy To Cash In On Your Favorite iPhone Photos

Thanks to Apple and photo-editing apps like Instagram, many of us have become pretty good photographers. In fact, some would argue that many of our photos are good enough to be sold. This is where Foap comes in.
Originally launched for iPhone in July, Foap connects amateur photographers with would-be buyers. However, a recent app update has changed who actually approves a photo for sale. That job, which was first handled by a small review team, is now in the hands of other Foap users. The result is something quite promising.
To get started, you must first create a free Foap account. From there, you may upload photos you think that someone would buy. As part of this process, you must attach at least two tags, identify where the photo was taken, and specify whether you are making it available for commercial or editorial use.
Once your photo is uploaded, you must rate up to five photos from other members of the Foap community. When your photo receives at least five ratings and achieves an average score of at least 2.5 out of 5 stars, it goes on sale. Otherwise, it is rejected.
Posting a photo for sale
Posting a photo for sale
For each photo sold, the photographer gets $5, while Foap gets the same amount. In addition, whenever you recommend Foap to your friends and one of their photos sells, you get 10 percent of the company’s cut for up to 12 months.
Payments for photographers are handled through Paypal. To buy photos, you can purchase discounted credits on the Foap website, or pay $10 per photo.
Foap’s one drawback is its reliance on Facebook. In particular, the only folks who can be invited to join the service are friends on the social network. Hopefully, this limitation will go away with a future app update.
I’ve uploaded five photos in preparation for this article. Each photo was quickly approved by other Foap members. Alas, I am still waiting for a sale!
For those looking for a quick and easy way to sell iPhone photos, check outFoap. The free app comes highly recommended.

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