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Monday 19 November 2012

Google Maps May Never Return To iOS

Google Maps May Never Return To iOS

For folks hoping that Google Maps eventually returns to iOS as a separate app, you may be in for a long wait. The Guardian is reporting, “sources at Google,” are “not optimistic” that their app currently in development will ever be approved by Apple.
As you may recall, iOS 6 Maps is the first version that doesn’t include Google Maps as its backbone. Instead, Apple worked with TomTom to create a new app, which has been highly criticized. Soon after Apple CEO Tim Cook issued a public apology for his company’s “frustrating” maps app,we reported that Google was working on a third-party app for iOS.
No Google Maps Here
No Google Maps Here
The primary reason Google insiders are now suggesting that their app won’t be approved by Apple has to do with the company’s new Maps section in the App Store.
As The Guardian states:
Specifically, they point to the lack of any mapping app in the “Find maps for your iPhone” section of the App Store – accessible only via iPhones or iPads – that use the Google Maps APIs to call wirelessly for location, routing or point-of-interest (POI) data …
Further, a source at Google told me the feeling is that those apps were purposely left out of the new section because they promote Google and its “superior product” – at a time when there is so much bad blood between the companies.
However, for those holding out a hope, consider this:
Both sources inside Google, however, were quick to point out that Google and Apple are constantly in communication about any number of topics and that policies and agreements can change quickly.
As I often opine, competition is usually the best path to take. With this in mind, I hope that this story proves incorrect. The best thing for iOS users would be for Apple to allow any mapping app in the App Store. That way, the market would determine which apps are best. In the meantime, you can still use Google Maps via the Web on your iPhone/iPod touch and iPad.
Source:  The Guardian

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