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Wednesday 28 November 2012

How To Change The Font Size In Messages

How To Change The Font Size In Messages

Whether you’re new to iOS, or just want to pick up some useful tips and tricks, we’re here to help. This is iOS Advice.
If your vision is less than perfect, or you sometimes have trouble reading the small font in the Messages app, you’ll appreciate this tip. There’s actually a way to increase your device’s font size from within the Settings app. It’s a great feature that will enlarge the text within Messages, Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Notes. Personally, I find this extremely useful for my text messages.
If you’d like to increase the font size in iOS, watch the video or follow the steps below:
Step 1: Go into the Settings app on your device and tap on General.
Step 2: Next, swipe down to the bottom and tap on Accessibility.
Step 3: Tap on the third row labeled “Large Text.” Here you’ll have the ability to set a custom font size. Select a size by tapping on one of the rows, then exit out of the Settings app.
These changes will take effect immediately. To preview a selected font size, open the Messages app and view an iMessage or SMS. If you’d like to select a different size, repeat the steps above.
Now that you’ve learned how to increase your device’s font size, if there’s something else you’d like to see on iOS Advice, please let us know. Send us an email with your question or comment and we might feature your suggestion in a future article. If you need a little more advice, check out our other helpful tutorials.

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