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Sunday 25 November 2012

Popular iPad Office Suite Quickoffice Pro HD Introduces Tracking, Commenting And More

Popular iPad Office Suite Quickoffice Pro HD Introduces Tracking, Commenting And More

Quickoffice Pro HD, one of the most popular — if not the most popular — Office suites for iPad, has received another major update.
Quickoffice Pro HD offers the convenience of being able to create, view, and edit a variety of Microsoft Office file types right on your iPad.
The app allows you to work with Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. Be that as it may, the latest update to the app is decidedly aimed at improving the app’s support for Word documents (.doc and .docx).
The latest version of Quickoffice Pro HD adds the ability to track changes in Word documents. This new enhancement is quite similar to the newly addedrevision restoration feature recently added to another productivity suite,GoDocs.
QuickOffice Pro HD 4
Quickoffice Pro HD
The ability to create, edit, and view comments in documents is also included in the newly updated Quickoffice Pro HD.
Plus, at long last, spell check and dictionary integration are now supported in the app as well. With the new version of Quickoffice Pro HD, you can now view and correct misspelled words and see definitions for highlighted words in documents.
The update also includes iOS 6 certification. Note, though, that it removes sharing through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Yammer, a move which may or may not be attributed to the app’s acquisition by Google back in June.

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