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Wednesday 28 November 2012

Quirky App Of The Day: Old Pic Booth Reveals Your Cosmetic Future

Quirky App Of The Day: Old Pic Booth Reveals Your Cosmetic Future

Some people age better than others. A lot of it has to do with attitude. Some of it can be helped with cosmetic surgery. In the end, gravity and time always win. Old Pic Booth can show you what you’ll be facing before you’re staring at it in the mirror.
From five to 85 in a matter of minutes.
From five to 85 in a matter of minutes.
Old Pic Booth is a photography app that shows time progression by layering photo clips over your own photo. By adjusting the opacity, you can help the photo clips blend in more with your original picture. With some apps, you’re adding a brand new, never been worn before set of six pack abs. In other apps, you’re flaunting a pregnant belly no matter what gender you are. With Old Pic Booth, you’re adding years.

Our “young” model is rocking some glasses that both my 15-year-old brother and 80-year-old grandfather would admire. Hipsters apparently bridge the generation gap. There are nine other versions of glasses that you can choose from, including a rocking pair of zebra striped frames with pink lenses.
The combover is a classic guy move. Although my favorite is still the Walmart manager whose thin blond hair doesn’t hide what he’s trying to brush his hair over. Combovers make me want to chase down a victim with hair clippers in my hand while shouting, “For dignity!” If straight up bald is in your future, there are eight different hair, or hairless, styles you can go for.
The wrinkles were an interesting feature to layer on. First, the photo clips in the app look like wrinkled theater masks that are begging for death after years of soulless existence. Second, after adding wrinkles, our young model actually looks more like his great-grandfather.
Once you’re done adding your features, you can change the color setting in the picture to be black and white or sepia toned.  I’ve only heard of sepia tones from the mockery of the Internet against Instagram. I’d never seen it before. Now, I understand why people don’t want to see pictures of brunch in sepia tones. However, when adjusting a picture of someone pretending to be old, sepia tones are the way to go.

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