AppAdvice has teamed up with PunchBox Studios, our latestAppsGoneFree sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win one of five $10 iTunes Gift Cards. The gift cards can be used to not only purchase PunchBox’s fantastic new iPhone and iPad game, Pocket Climber, but also to unlock all kinds of new content and power-ups within it.
Tired of evading demonic monkeys and bouncing off of moving platforms? Then it’s about time you tried scaling massive, danger-riddled skyscrapers in Pocket Climber.
Climb as high as you can.
As its name suggests, Pocket Climber is an endless climbing game that will put your reflexes to the test. Your job is to safely guide your character up the walls of huge skyscrapers that are littered with obstacles like angry tenants, window cleaners, and the occasional hostile gorilla.
Your character climbs upwards all by himself, but you can swipe left and right across the screen to help him dodge obstacles. Some obstacles will be in plain sight while others will pop out of nowhere, so you must always be prepared to move quickly. You can also swipe upwards to leap over gaps in the walls.
Try to collect as many coins as possible on your way up to unlock power-ups, utilities, and new characters. The game includes a total of five power-ups, two utilities, and one additional character to unlock along with leaderboards via Game Center.
To have a chance at winning one of our five $10 iTunes Gift Cards, just leave a comment below before 11:59 p.m. PDT tomorrow (October 19) telling us which type of iDevice, iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, you intend to go skyscraper climbing with if you win.
Winners will be chosen randomly and contacted via email. Only one entry per person is allowed. This giveaway is only open to our readers with U.S. iTunes accounts.
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