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Friday 23 November 2012

Win A Noteshelf Promo Code And Start Using A Truly Noteworthy Handwriting App

Win A Noteshelf Promo Code And Start Using A Truly Noteworthy Handwriting App

AppAdvice has partnered with Ramki in order to give you a chance to win one of 10 promo codes for Noteshelf. Priced at $5.99 in the App Store, Noteshelf can be yours for free just by joining our giveaway.
Noteshelf is one of the notable apps included in the AppAdvice Handwriting Apps for iPad AppGuide, and with good reason. Noteshelf is packed with features that make it an excellent note-taking and sketching app.
Optimized with Retina graphics for the third-generation iPad, Noteshelf boasts superb writing and drawing tools coupled with visually appealing interface elements. Plus, the app offers a variety of organization, customization, and sharing options, thereby striking a delicate balance between beauty and utility.
As a matter of fact, Noteshelf has just been updated with a number of improvements that make the app more beautiful and useful than ever. These improvements include, but are not limited to: new writing tools, custom notebook covers, custom pen colors, more expressive inking, and support for some of the most popular pressure-sensitive styli in the market.
If you can’t see the video embedded above, please click here.
As mentioned, Noteshelf is available in the App Store for $5.99. Download it now, or join our …
GIVEAWAY! To have a chance at winning one of 10 Noteshelf promo codes, simply leave a comment below telling us how you intend to boost your productivity or creativity using the app. Please make sure to log in to Disqus with a valid email address before commenting.
Entries will be accepted until Oct. 24 at 8 a.m. PDT and drawn at random to determine the winners shortly after. Good luck!

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