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Saturday 13 April 2013

T-Mobile's iPhone 5 Launch Day Goes 'Gangbusters'

 saw the long-overdue  of the iPhone 5 on T-Mobile. And according to the so-called “un-,” the device’s debut on the T-Mobile network made for a “gangbusters” day.
In a statement to  Chief Marketing Officer Mike Sievert said that the launch was “gangbusters for T-Mobile,” adding that there were “lines out the door […] at nearly all of our almost 3,000 stores nationwide.”
T-Mobile offers the iPhone 5 for a down payment of as little as $99.99, plus monthly payments of $20 over two years without a contract. The operative phrase here is, of course, “without a contract,” earning T-Mobile its “un-carrier” moniker.
T-Mobile also offers an  which my colleague Bryan has  “respectable, and convenient.” Through this program, customers can bring their old iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S and avail of a new iPhone 5 at zero down plus monthly payments. On top of that, they can also receive up to $120 credit.
Check out T-Mobile’s iPhone 5 TV ad below, launched a day before the aforementioned “gangbusters” day.
If you can’t see the video embedded above, please 

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