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Wednesday 1 May 2013

Is Feed Wrangler The Google Reader Alternative You've Been Looking For?

Considering that Google Reader is shutting down in a couple of months, have you decided on a replacement service yet? Perhaps the newly launchedFeed Wrangler is just the Google Reader alternative you’re looking for......................

First things first: unlike Google Reader, Feed Wrangler is a paid service. It requires an annual subscription priced at $19.
What do you get with that subscription? Naturally, you get the core feature that is an RSS feed reader. But you also get some additional features, including smart streams and filters as well as read-later integration.
Feed Wrangler’s smart streams feature lets you group your favorite feeds into a single stream so that you can easily check them. And its support for filters lets you clear unwanted items from your feeds by automatically marking articles that match a certain keyword as read.
As for Feed Wrangler’s read-later integration, it enables you to save articles to Instapaper and Pocket. What’s more, it detects which articles you have saved and hides them from your feeds.
You can access Feed Wrangler through its Web interface from any Web browser. But you can also use its official iOS app, which is available now.
The app lets you create smart streams, search through feeds, and save articles for reading later. It also offers an interface that, while a little outdated in the looks department, does the job well with its clean and uncluttered implementation.
Morevoer, it offers importing of feeds from Google Reader with just one tap.
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 6.0 or later, Feed Wrangler for iOS is available now in the App Store for free. It lets you log in to your existing Feed Wrangler account or sign up for a new account by purchasing an annual subscription in-app.
Feed Wrangler for Mac is said to be coming soon.
Feed Wrangler’s third-party API is also set to launch this month. This will allow you to access Feed Wrangler through third-party RSS clients. I expectReeder, which recently added support for Feedbin, will take advantage of this API and add support for Feed Wrangler as well.

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