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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Leviathan: Warships Resurfaces In The App Store Following Multiplayer Mishap

A week ago, I reported that Leviathan: Warships, a strategy game fromDefenders of Ardania and Magicka publisher Paradox Interactive, finally sailed into the App Store. Only it actually didn’t..................................

You see, shortly after its release in the App Store, Leviathan: Warships was found to be harboring some serious issues that affected its online multiplayer support. They were apparently so serious that Paradox Interactive had to pull the game from the App Store until further notice.
Until some hours ago, it turned out.
That’s right. Leviathan: Warships has made its triumphant return to the sea of apps and games that is the App Store. Of course, the game’s multiplayer issues have been resolved, and you’re now free to play the game with other players.
If you can’t see the video embedded above, please click here.
As I noted in my launch post:
Leviathan: Warships offers five individual challenge missions that you can play with up to three other players. It also offers a full co-op campaign comprising nine missions, also playable with up to three other players. The game has 14 different maps where you can hold multiplayer skirmishes.

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