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Wednesday 1 May 2013

Thanks To Its New Update, Riposte Now Lets You Access Like A Pro

Riposte, the app we here at AppAdvice praised for bringing a refreshing new mobile interface for, has just gone pro. That is to say, it has been updated with a pro in-app purchase package that offers power users a number of advanced features..............

Riposte Pro includes custom typefaces, quick view for private messages, draft auto-saving, quick account switching when writing a post, and quick account switching from any root view via two-finger swipe.
Furthermore, it includes dark mode auto-toggling, brightness control gesture, “last photo taken” option for image attachments, full-quality image uploads, and status bar hiding.
All of these Riposte Pro features can be unlocked via a $4.99 in-app purchase.
As it happens, Riposte has also been updated with a number of improvements that you can take advantage of whether you go pro or not:
  • Redesigned in-app notifications to make them easier to read and interact with, even while you’re writing a post. Swipe to dismiss them quickly.
  • You can now choose which account you would like to repost from. Just long press on the repost button.
  • iTunes and App Store links now displayed in-app. Make a purchase without having to leave Riposte!
  • Photo attachments now use link entities. Tap the thumbnail to edit the caption.
  • Inline images now load in conversation views.
  • New image cache vastly improves image loading and performance.
  • Web view mobilizer setting is now remembered between browsing sessions.
  • Buffer Post Immediately setting is now remembered between posts.
  • You can now mute private messages.
  • Added support for x-callback URLs after canceling a new post. If you know what this means, you should probably upgrade to Riposte Pro because you are a pro.
  • Refreshed the full-color main menu icons.
Released last January, Riposte was originally priced at $4.99. But it went free in February, and has been free since then.
If you were one of the first users who got Riposte for $4.99, you’d still have to shell out another $4.99 to get the new pro features. But no matter, as Riposte is easily one of the best clients for iPhone out there, and is well worth its premium.

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