Ostium Jailbreak Tweak Can Split Your Notification Center In Two

A new jailbreak tweak called Ostium provides jailbreakers with a new, interesting way of launching Notification Center.
Once downloaded and installed, users can pinch apart their iPhone’s Home screen to reveal Notification Center, and the widgets housed there. After enabling Notification Center via this action, you can also pinch the interface back together again. A number of other actions (such as the conventional swipe down, and more) can close the Ostium-powered Notification Center after it’s been activated.
Minor customization options are available from within the Settings app, though Ostium is largely a cosmetic jailbreak tweak, simply providing users with an alternate means of enabling Notification Center on their jailbroken iPhone.
Currently, Ostium is available to download for $0.99 via the ModMyi repository. Check out the jailbreak tweak now, or for more information, be sure to take a look at our video walkthrough below.
If you can’t see the above video, please click this link.