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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Google's Official Blogger iOS App Now Supports RTF And In-Place Image Editing

Nearly half a year since its previous update, we’re finally seeing some signs of life from the official iOS app of Blogger, Google’s blog-publishing service.................................

Released back in September 2011, Blogger remains one of the least elegant iOS apps from Google. The Internet search giant has been doing quite wellwith its other iOS apps, most notable of which are GmailGoogle Maps,ChromeYouTube, and, of course, Google Search. But its Blogger app for iOS still looks and feels clunky.
This may very well be attributed to its relative dearth of updates. Since its launch, the app has received only three updates, including this new one.
The first update, issued a year and two months after the app’s release, brought iPad support, landscape mode, and Google+ sharing, among a few others. The second, which arrived a month later, added iPhone 5 support, improved post saving options, and Google Analytics integration.
Now, over five months later, the third update has arrived with a couple of major improvements along with some minor bug fixes.
One, the app now has a WYSIWYG editor that support RTF for creating new posts and editing existing ones. And two, in-place image editing is now supported in the app as well.
While they may take some getting used to, these two enhancements do get their respective functions done.

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